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  1. Press Release

    New Nugget Markets Opening in West Roseville

    Davis, CA (February 26, 2021) – In less than two weeks’ time, a new Nugget Markets will be opening its doors in West Roseville. The new grocery store located at 1509 Blue Oaks Blvd. will be the family-owned grocer’s sixteenth store in Northern California, and its second store in Roseville. The Grand Opening will kick off on March 4, 2021 with a series of exclusive deals and special giveaways for guests.

  2. In The News

    Valentine's Dinner with Nugget Market

    Make Valentine's Day special this year with a romantic dinner! Lori Wallace is at Nugget Market in Davis showing us how they are putting together a nice dinner that you can pick up!

  3. In The News

    New Nugget Market

    "Hard Hat" Ashley Williams is in Roseville at the new Nugget Market that is currently under construction. She gives us a sneak peek at the new Nugget Market.

  4. Press Release

    Nugget Markets Matching Donations up to $25,000 for NorCal Wildfires

    Davis, CA (August 25, 2020) – To help support the victims and first responders affected by the wildfires devastating our communities, Nugget Markets is launching a $25,000 matching fund drive at all of their store locations tonight. The matching fund drive will launch Tuesday, August 25, 2020 and last through Tuesday, September 15, 2020. 100% of funds raised will support the American Red Cross chapters in Northern California and their wildfire relief efforts.

  5. Press Release

    Nugget Markets Partners with Center for Land-Based Learning to Offer Hyperlocal Produce

    Davis, CA (August 6, 2020) – Shoppers looking for hyperlocal produce need only go as far as their local Nugget Markets thanks to an ongoing partnership with the Center for Land-Based Learning (CLBL). The family-owned grocery chain based in Yolo County renewed their sponsorship of CLBL’s West Sacramento Urban Farm Program, which allows them to offer a variety of produce fresh from urban farmers at four Nugget Markets locations.

  6. Media Alert

    A Letter From Our President: Respect, Appreciate & Value Everyone

    “What the world needs now is RAVE, sweet RAVE…”

    RAVE: Respect, Appreciate and Value Everyone

    This core value has always run deep at Nugget Markets because we are not just a company, but a family of diverse and wonderful people. Our hearts break for George Floyd’s family and all those affected by this tragic and shameful loss. As my grandfather (cofounder of Nugget Markets) always said and believed, “There is only one race… the human race!”

    My hope is that through this tragedy, our nation will wake up and see we have serious embedded prejudices that need to be addressed, and that we must all take responsibility for our own actions and words. In order to break this cycle of prejudice, we as a nation must become one big family that Respects, Appreciates and Values Everyone. America needs to end its systemic prejudice against people of color. According to the Pledge of Allegiance, we are all one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. It’s time for those words to ring true.

    Our nation is great because of the diversity it once embraced. However, it made a fatal flaw in justifying slavery almost 250 years ago and we are still paying the price for that disastrous action. If any good is to come from George Floyd’s death, it will be as a wake-up call. Our country is currently suffering from two viruses and this is our opportunity to triumph over both: COVID-19 and racism. I hope this horrific tragedy helps us take off the blinders once and for all and realize we have a lot of work to do. It all begins by treating everyone with RAVE and a whole lot of love.

    I would like to share some wise words from one of the world’s greatest:

    Yesterday in the LA Times, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote: “I don’t want to see stores looted or even buildings burn. But African Americans have been living in a burning building for many years, choking on the smoke as flames burn closer and closer. Racism in America is like dust in the air. It seems invisible—even if you’re choking on it—until you let the sun in. Then you see it’s everywhere. As long as we keep shining that light, we have a chance of cleaning it wherever it lands. But we have to stay vigilant, because it’s always still in the air.” Violence in any form has no place in the beloved community we want to build. Nor does silence in the face of injustice.

    In closing, I challenge everyone to spread the word about the value of RAVE and family, because we need them both now more than ever.


    Eric Stille
    Nugget Market, Inc.

  7. Media Alert

    A Letter From Our President: Our Face Covering Policy

    Dear Nugget Markets Guests,

    We are in day three of our mandatory face covering requirement, and I would like to thank everyone for your understanding during these trying times. The vast majority of our guests were already wearing masks or face coverings, which is wonderful and I thank you for your consideration. It’s true, we did upset a handful of guests, and for that, I do apologize for the inconvenience, but my top priority is to keep our associates and guests as safe as possible. The requirement to wear a face covering is not to protect the wearer, but to slow the spread of the virus. Together, we can protect each other.

    Many cities and counties are already requiring the use of facial coverings to help protect the public, in case the wearer is infected and not yet displaying symptoms. Often those infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic (COVID-19 carriers who exhibit no symptoms but are infectious) or presymptomatic (COVID-19 carriers who have yet to exhibit symptoms but are infectious). Since not everyone with COVID-19 knows they’re sick, wearing a face covering helps make sure they aren’t unknowingly infecting others. If worn by everyone outside the home doing essential activities, facial coverings can help slow the overall spread of the virus and keep our community safer. Please remember, facial coverings are not a substitute for social distancing! Social distancing, washing your hands frequently, eating healthy and exercising safely are the best practices to flatten the curve.

    Once again, until further notice, we are requiring all of our associates and all of our guests to wear face coverings while in our stores. The face covering can be a mask, a scarf or a bandanna, as long as it covers your nose and mouth. We appreciate your understanding and thank you in advance for keeping our stores and each other safe.

    To learn how to make your own face covering, watch this video from the Surgeon General.


    Eric Stille
    Nugget Market, Inc.

  8. Media Alert

    A Sincere Thank You & Request from Our CEO

    Dear Nugget Markets guests,

    Once again, I would like to thank you all for your patronage, trust and patience during these trying times. I am so proud of how our amazing associates at Nugget Markets and our sister stores, Sonoma Market, Fork Lift by Nugget Markets and Food 4 Less Woodland, have all rallied through these challenges and have put their families and friends second behind taking care of you and the stores. I truly am blessed to have a world-class team!

    That said, I have a few requests that I would like to ask of all of you. 

    First, for two months the government has been advising us directly to not wear masks, as it could make the situation worse. As you likely know, now the CDC recommends that all citizens wear masks. This directive is in hopes that the mask wearers spread fewer germs to the general population. We have 25,000 masks arriving Monday (with more arriving later in the week), but we sure could use some now! So, my ask is, if by chance you have any extra masks, could you please drop some off at one of our stores the next time you come shopping?

    My second request is centered on shopping. I ask that all guests please follow all social distancing guidelines! This includes giving our associates space when they’re stocking, cleaning or otherwise doing their jobs. I also request that only one family member shops for the household. This request is for everyone’s safety. As tough as it is, I also ask that you please limit conversations and interactions with neighbors and associates while you shop. All retailers will be limiting shoppers in their establishments and the quicker you get in and out of the store, the safer you will be and the more guests we can serve.

    Lastly, I have a very special request. Can everyone please remember that all Nugget Markets associates, as well as all other essential retailers, are frontline first responders and show them the love and respect they so deserve? It breaks my heart when someone “goes off” on one of my Nugget Markets family members, and I have even asked a few not to shop with us because of it. Please remember, we are doing everything physically possible to keep our stores stocked, clean and as efficient as possible. Thank you for your understanding, and for the love directed to our associates and all first responders!

    One more note: we will be closing Easter Sunday so that all of our associates may spend the day with their immediate family and get some well-deserved rest. Thank you all for your trust and understanding.


    Eric Stille
    Nugget Market, Inc.

  9. Media Alert

    A Letter From Our President: Dedicated Senior Shopping Hours

    Good morning, Nugget Markets guests,

    I would like to share with you a few new policy changes and store updates as we navigate through the implications of COVID-19. First, I would like to thank everyone for your patience and kind words to our team. During these trying times, a little kindness goes a long way!

    I am happy to announce our new Dedicated Senior Shopping Hours. Going forward, every Tuesday and Thursday morning from store opening until 8 a.m. will be temporarily designated as shopping time specifically for our guests who are 65+ and those who are at-risk due to health conditions. I ask that all of our other guests please be mindful of those in need and reserve this time for our senior citizens and other at-risk members of our community. I thank everyone in advance for their help and understanding.

    I would also like to ask our guests to be mindful of social distancing—whenever possible, please keep approximately 6 feet away from other guests. Social distancing will play a huge role in curtailing the spread of COVID-19. Please do your part and help keep others safe. Remember, we are all in this together!

    Even with our new Dedicated Senior Shopping Hours, the best way to keep our seniors and at-risk neighbors safe is to help them out! Offering to run to the grocery store for them, to make them a meal or to go for a walk with them (keeping 6 feet apart!) are just a few suggestions. It is my hope that as an outcome of this whole situation, kindness and compassion come shining through, and the world actually becomes a kinder place.

    Keeping fingers crossed,

    Eric Stille
    Nugget Market, Inc.